Sunday, June 26, 2011

Final Day at Cannes Lions

I arrived at the festival with Mallory around ten thirty to meet a guy who said he had an extra gala ticket. I tweeted at him letting him know I was looking for him. During the mean time I sat through two seminars. The first Seminar was AICP Digital. The title was evolving content creators-innovation in advertising. The speakers included Justin Booth-Clibboran, president of PSYOP, Vic Palumbo for Deutsch, Heath Rudduck for Campbell Mithun, and Dustin Callif for Tool North America.
The board discussed the latest in the digital world. Introducing the new technology and how commercials can be a completely CGI production. The board showed the Voltswagen Beetle commercial that ran in the Super Bowl. Vic Palumbo took me through the steps from the idea, to the drawing board to the final productions. He also discussed how the video was played on YouTube and the response the video got from viewers.
The whole board harped on a few topics.  What got my attention the most was how the young film and production employees are so valuable in the new digital world. Vic Palumbo discussed that the young digital minds are not afraid to break the machines and are not afraid to dream big. The reasoning is partly because they are young but mostly because they grew up in a digital world.
The second seminar was called B-Reel, titled digital schmigital for 2012. The speakers consisted of Petter Westlund, Ben Tricklebank, Nicke Bergstrom, Seth Weisfeld, and Marci Ikeler.
This seminar was also talking about the new digital world and integrating social media into the mix. Marci Ikeler talked about the Ford-Gray group campaign giving people with a strong presence on YouTube and Twitter and new Ford Fiesta for a year. All they had to do was blog, tweet, or post videos about their experiences. The campaign was extremely successful and really expanded brand awareness of the Ford Fiesta.
The panel also talked about advertising implanting a Hacker mentality. Companies like whopper with the Whopper sacrifice campaign. For every person you deleted from your friend list on Facebook, the participate would receive a free Whopper. The campaign once again was extremely successful and won awards as Cannes.
By this time It was noon and I needed lunch and I still hadn’t heard back from the man about the Gala ticket. So figured he had left to return to Belgium. After lunch he of course had tweeted me back but by now he in fact has returned back to Belgium. If only I had internet connection everywhere I would have attended the Gala. Oh the power of social media.
The whole group dressed up and attended the Film, Film Craft, Creative Effectives, and Titanium and Integrated Lions Awards. The awards were so fun and very well produced. The television advertising campaigns that won top awards were incredible. After each one Colson and I literally would have chill bumps.
The awards were by far the best way to end this jam packed week of learning from and listening to amazing people in the advertising/public relations industry.

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