Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Cannes Lions day 4

Each day the festival gets more and more crowded, but with this come more and more amazing advertising professionals. Today the group had to opportunity to talk to three people in three totally different jobs within the integrated advertising/ public relations/ marketing world.
Our first speaker was Jennifer Frommer SVP of client relations/branding SVP of Client Relations/Branding for interscope records. Listening to her impressive career path it is evident that women can and will succeed in the advertising industry. She is just a brilliant lady who founded the music industry’s first New Media division. She was very real with us and was very open to helping the group out in the future.
I then caught the tail end of the Time Warner seminar titled thinking inside the box, [The golden age of T.V everywhere.] The men on stage were very entertaining and were all highly trained and experienced in their field of work. Jeff Bewkes who is the chairman and CEO of Time Warner, Piers Morgan (who I love) is the host of CNNs Piers Morgan Tonight, David Simon (later spoke with the group) who is a journalist, author, and TV produce for HBO, and Aaron Sorkin who is a playwright and screenwriter.
The theme of today’s speakers were mostly involving the film and TV industry. The men discussed that social media is not taking audiences away from television but drawing more viewers into the television circuit.
David Simon talked to the group right after his presentation and was really interesting to listen to. He actually said that TV programming is maturing because it has broken the spell of advertising. Meaning consumers are willing to pay for TV programs that they know will be great shows with zero advertising interruptions. He then went to tangents about why the newspaper failed, why wall street is a terribly industry, and his very interesting political views. He admitted that he went to the wrong festival but I’m glad we were able to hear from him because he was so well read and entertaining.
The group then spoke with a really sweet lady Allison Arden. She is a publisher for Ad Age and was really interested in hearing from the students. She wanted to know what we thought of the trip so far and what trends we seem to be seeing in each seminar. Everyone that we have talked to has been very encouraging.
A very funny and Final thought from David Simon when asked to sum up life in 11 words this is what he came up with:
“Fuck the money, leave the world better than you found it.”
Pretty good message I would say!


  1. Good comments and insights. Simon might have been at the wrong festival, but he world view is provocative and makes you reevaluate where you are coming from and where you want to go.

    Good that you pick up on the diversity of people, ideas, and methods that assault your senses her.

  2. ps. pardon typos. "Her" should, of course, be "here."
